Salesforce Introduces Vaccine Cloud

Global Vaccine Management is a priority for all businesses during this horrible pandemic. Salesforce is trying to transform vaccine administration securely for various organizations with concrete steps. Salesforce introduced Vaccine Cloud recently on January 21, 2021. It is meant for healthcare organizations, nonprofits, government agencies, and others. However, vaccine Cloud replaces work. com for vaccines as the target audiences for Vaccine Cloud are both Government and businesses. 

Although Covid-19 Vaccines have arrived for countries all over the world many do not yet have the right technological infrastructure, inventory and logistic management, necessary for managing the scale, complexity and speed for a proper vaccine administration program. 

How Helpful is the Salesforce Vaccine Cloud for Your Business?

Salesforce’s Vaccine Cloud quickly scales up Vaccine Cloud for the Customer 360-degree platform in the following ways:

  • Manage Vaccination Program Effectively 

  • Simplify Vaccine Administration

  • Access Vaccine Education Resources 

1. Manage Vaccination Program Effectively
  • Understand Vaccination Rates

  • Manage Staffing, Inventory and Sites

  • Get a holistic view of the vaccination campaigns

  • Secure enough doses and monitor patient outcomes

  • Implement a digital vaccination program

2. Simplify Vaccine Administration

 Government agencies adopt a faster vaccine administration for a quick recovery from the pandemic, Vaccine Cloud reaches out to various vaccination sites and builds a scalable, simple workflow for a simplified vaccine administration within a short period. It can streamline a vaccination process for managing inventory, scaling up your business based on staffing, and vaccination sites as well as payment and reimbursements. 

Moreover, Vaccine Cloud offers a simplified, registration and appointment scheduling system with an efficient platform, accessible from any device. Finally, this has the capability to send personalized notifications for the first dose and send reminders for the second dose. 

3. Access Vaccine Education Resources

Vaccine Cloud helps in the safe reopening of your workplace, creating a new, safe operating model, meant for employees and customers. Vaccine Cloud shares health and vaccination status for the workforce returning back to their office. Access the education resources for your employees to provide them with insights on vaccine education through standardized vaccine education outreach templates. Moreover, the Vaccine Cloud can verify digital health credentials by installing digital health credentials and visualizing vaccine data.

How Salesforce Vaccine Cloud Works for Healthcare Providers?

Vaccine Cloud helps in the following way:

  • Obtain a 360-degree View of Vaccine Management

  • Forecast Precisely a Demand for Mass Vaccination

  • Provide Centralized Scheduling 

  • Prepare for Vaccine Distribution

  • Monitor Post-Vaccination Outcome 

  • Build Community Engagement

  • Create and Manage Digital Credentials


Government agencies, businesses and healthcare providers are grappling with the issue of a proper distribution of vaccines. Salesforce has introduced Vaccine Cloud to help in orchestrating billions of vaccine doses as that is the greatest of all challenges, during this pandemic. However, there are many countries that do not have the required technological infrastructure to ramp up Covid-19 vaccine programs through a proper vaccine administration, which arise due to a lack of complexity, scale and speed. Vaccine Cloud offers many benefits such as scheduling patient appointments, managing staffing, managing inventory and vaccine sites, and getting a holistic view of vaccination campaigns.

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Credits: AnavCloud Software Solutions


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